Sip Away The Summer With Almave Ámbar! Find Our Review Here…


Get the party started this summer without the need for alcohol thanks to Almave! The brilliant tequila like drink will have you embracing the rich flavours throughout the hottest seasons of the year, as it is perfect poured over refreshing ice cubes or mixed in with a cooling pop or tonic. Find out what happened when my mum tasted it for us here…

Good Morning Lovelies, 

With Easter over, it is time to get in the full swing of things by celebrating the start of summer! From BBQs to fun nights in the garden, the time to party has arrived! However it doesn’t mean that alcohol has to be involved! Don’t get me wrong, if you enjoy it and drink it safely then I go for it, yet, it doesn’t need to be the life and soul of the party. In fact, with so many non-alcoholic options now available, it can all but be forgotten. 

One drink that is making waves in the alcohol-free category is the brilliant agave spirit, Almave, a world first in agave spirits, which has now finally arrived around the world. Created by Lewis Hamilton and Mexican spirits group, Casa Lumbre, the drink was first launched in Mexico before coming here to the UK, with the first launch being the Almave Ambar Distilled Non-Alcoholic Blue Agave Spirit. Yet,it is their latest flavour that I was kindly gifted to trial. 

Almave Ámbar is very different in colour, with an amber look to it, helping to present the flavours of natural agave, caramel, brown sugar, toasted wood, all spice and vanilla. Flavours that when you use screw the bottle can be smelt around the room, giving off a cosy feeling before it is even poured. 

Having looked into the best ways to enjoy the drink, it was suggested to enjoy it either neatly or over a large ice cube, as well as in a mix to resemble classic drinks. The description highlighted that the taste could be like tequila, yet, it was a lot nicer according to my mum. 

Handing her a small neat glass, she found the rich taste delicious, highlighting that it didn’t burn on the way down like pure alcoholic drinks do. Presenting her with another glass, this time over ice, she said that the cooling nature mixed in with the flavours made it a perfect summer drink. Whilst telling me all this, I create the final drink for her to trial. 

My mum loves a rum and coke, so I decided to take this kind of approach with the spirit. Adding a few ice cubes, I presented her with it and awaited her response. Smacking her lips together, she stated that she had found a new drink for summer to go with her regular Pimms and Malibu concoctions. 

Continuing to sip away, it wasn’t long before the drink was gone, leaving her satisfied. Normally, after my mum has had only one glass of alcohol, she gets tired and suffers from heartburn. However, with Almave Ámbar, she didn’t find this. Instead she said it was gentler on the stomach, adding even more benefits to it. 

Overall, my mum was super impressed and quickly took the bottle away to put on our drinks shelf, hidden from the eyes of others who may want a sip. We were very fortunate to try the drink and thankful too. Having never heard of the brand before, we will definitely be looking out for them in shops in the future, especially the blue one, which mum wants to try next. If you are looking for a new summer sip, without the alcohol, then this one is definitely a winner lovelies! 

Joey X

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