It’s Time To Get The Tea With Grey’s Tea


It’s time to get the ultimate lowdown on some of the best teas around, thanks to the perfect blends from Grey’s Tea. Based in Warwickshire, the brand is making the ultimate cups of soothing remedies that everyone will be able to enjoy. Whether they be herbal or strong, grab yourself a good old cuppa and find out why they are so perfect here…

Good Morning Lovelies, 

There isn’t anything in this world that can’t be solved by a good cup of tea! Honestly, in the UK, it is the drink that is brought out at all occasions. Whether it be a strong builders brew or a herbal mug full, there is a tea for everyone. Especially when new creators are making powerful blends, including Grey’s Tea

Founded in Warwickshire, Grey’s Tea is an organic, eco-friendly, tea company, who make blends perfect for summer and winter, with bounties of flavours to choose from. Two of which I was kindly sent to try. 

Opening up the lovely little packets of tea I was sent, I decided to start with their iconic Pu-Erh tea, which is a unique tea from China’s Yunnan province. Semi-fermented twice, the tea is said to best when brewed and infused for three minutes, to help provide the medicinal qualities it is considered to have. These qualities are said to really help the digestive system, helping to treat indigestion, diarrhoea and high cholesterol.

Popping it into her teapot, my mum started the brewing process. Whilst finding a few biscuits, she let it sit, before pouring herself a good hearty cup. Upon the tea coming out, we both discovered a very dark tea, which had a strong taste and aroma. You could smell the pure quality of it right away, whilst my mum, who tasted it for us, found it to be a really good quality tasting tea, even after she added milk in to it.

The smell reminded me of a cosy night in in front of the fire, whilst my mum agreed, however, she found it to be more of a cosy drink to have in front of the fire. After the first mug, she went on to have another, before declaring that she would definitely provide this brew to friends, as a more fancy brew. 

Heading onto the second bag, we discovered the Lavender Tea that the company makes. Now, this is confession time, I can’t stand lavender. The smell actually makes me feel ill. So, I did have to ask someone who doesn’t live with us to try it. Thankfully, my mum’s work wife was happy to take one for the tea. 

Messaging me as she tried it, she stated that the brew had a purple tinge, whilst the smells were soothing for the soul right away. Taking her first sip, she found it to be strong in taste, giving off a similar note to how it smells. She then went on to tell me that she found it to be a tea that she would probably make as her evening or bedtime brew, as she came away feeling very relaxed. Just what you need when it comes to a cuppa! 

Overall, both teas went down a treat. Grey’s Tea should be proud of their blends and the fact that they have made two new fans. It is now going to be the tea that my mum uses when she wants something a bit fancy, whilst the lavender blend has been helping my mum’s friend sleep ever since. With lots of other types to try, I hope Grey’s Tea can help you have an excellent cup of tea the next time you are in need of one! I have every faith they will! 

Joey X

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