Feeling The Post Christmas Blues? Let’s Start Planning Christmas 2024 Then!


Good Morning Lovelies, 

We may now be well into January, however, I’m still feeling the post Christmas blues! For me, September to December is the best time of the year. I love seeing autumn come into place and the holidays really beginning. The crop fresh air blown onto my face. The sparkling lights on a gorgeous green tree. Oh, I just love it all!

When Christmas is over, I feel myself instantly become a little sad. Okay, a lot! It’s as if my soul has left my body. My very merry Christmas soul. All the planning is done. The decorations are down and the leftovers have been eaten. Sad times settle in and there is only one thing I can do to help myself. Start to plan for the following year! 

Oh yes! As soon as one Christmas door closes, I start on opening the next. I purchase presents. Make travel plans. Store reduce wrapping paper and cards. I help others come up with their festive ideas. I use my love of Christmas to influence the other holidays throughout the year. I’m even guilty of still watching and listening to Christmas songs and films in the middle of summer. Nothing bothers me, just bring me Christmas all year round. 

This year, I have taken it upon myself to try and manifest a community project or idea that I can help to make as fun, festive and as big as anything, within my local town or the village I live in. Last year, I hosted the Hertford Heath Living Advent Calendar. In 2024, I want to do something bigger. Right now, I’m not sure what that might be, however, I’m definitely going to be sharing it with you all when I come up with something. A Christmas plan is always a good plan. 

I know all this may seem a little wild, especially when we have only just said goodbye to 2023. Yet, it feels my soul with joy! And when something makes you happy, you have to embrace it lovely. You have to celebrate it. That is what I am going to do. Starting now! Let Christmas 2024 begin! Who else is with me? 

Joey X

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