Blogmas Day Eight: Why It’s Okay To Be Single At Christmas!


Hey Lovelies,

Christmas is often the time to go out and be with your loved ones. However, it can also be the time when the question about if you are seeing anyone can be asked. It can leave you feeling uncomfortable or, in my case, a bit like Bridget Jones. A bit sad but ultimately couldn’t give a fuck vibes. 

Maybe it’s because I’ve never had a partner, but truthfully, I’ve never had this need to be with someone at Christmas. I have an amazing family, brilliant friendship group and a big cosy bed all to myself. What more could I ask for this December? 

Don’t get me wrong, if the person for me turned up, I would love to spend the festive period and beyond with them. Yet, I’m not upset that they are not in my life at the moment. I’m a very open introvert. I don’t mind my own company. I’m not afraid to be alone, unless it is when I am outside, which is when my PTSD from my fall kicks in. 

Snuggling up to someone is also easy to do. This time of year makes everyone a little bit more affectionate. For some, it can be a time of great sadness. Others find it a time to celebrate life. I’m a bit of a mixture and because of this I can’t resist a little cuddle every now and again. Something that comes easy during December. 

Please don’t worry if you are on your own this Christmas. See it as an opportunity to be your best self. You only have to worry about you. You can meet lots of different people. You can spend time with the people you love and care for, who also love you too. Being in a relationship is surely lovely, but being happy and being you alone is too. 

So, grab the biggest duvet you have, curl up with a good book and a hot chocolate and embrace the brilliance of being single this year! It’s utterly fabulous! 

Joey X

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