Blogmas Day Two: My Favourite Homemade Christmas Decorations


Hey Lovelies,

Day two of Blogmas has arrived and with it comes the day that I love in our home! Oh yes, it is time to decorate! As we pull out all the bits of tinsel and the timeless decorations that we have collected over the years, I’ve also discovered some homemade treasures. The most sacred of all the decorations in my opinion! 

Each year, I like to try and make something that will either light up my home or another. I’m someone who can make a good pom pom if I do say so, as well as a few other bits. Amongst the finds, I uncovered these four pieces that I wanted to share with you all because they are all so super special…

A Sock Snowman: Cutting up an old white sock, filling it with rice and adding a few little decorations made this little snow creature in no time at all. I’ve made these for a few other people now and I think they are the cutest things in the world. 

Tiny Tealight Holder: Using a strip off of a toilet roll middle, a few scraps of wool and a little fake tealight, these look great on the tree or hanging on a piece of string at Christmas. They also take very little time to make too and are super kid friendly. Plus, if you are a pom pom maker like me, they also prevent any wastage. 

Pom Pom Wreath: Over the years, I have made loads of these. Once I get into making the pom pom balls I can’t stop. This was the first wreath I ever made, but I’ve also made football, Halloween and Easter themed ones too. 

Elf Hama Beads Decoration: Following a simple pattern online, I made this Elf decoration a few years ago for my mum. He still comes out every year instead of an Elf on a Shelf! What trouble he gets up to I can never tell, but he is super cute to say the least. 

Do you do any homemade decorating lovelies? I love getting out my craft kit on a cosy Sunday afternoon and just coming up with something. I normally make massive stars too out of colourful paper, but I couldn’t find a picture of them. Hopefully this year though I remember to take one! 

What will you be making this Christmas? Let me know! 

Joey X

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