Get Stuck Into A Puzzle This Christmas With Boppi!
00:00:00Good Morning Lovelies,
Christmas is the perfect time of year to gather around the table and complete a puzzle! A few years ago, me and my mum whizzed through loads and I became addicted. So much so that I got the little people in my family hooked on them too!
Whether they be virtual, big or small, a puzzle is a great way to stimulate the mind. It is also a great tool for bonding. Me and my mum loved the feeling we had knowing that we had completed something together.
This made it very exciting for us when we got asked if we would like to review a festive themed puzzle from Boppi. Made from 100% recycled card, the puzzles are fantastic when it comes to presents this year, as the 150 piece round puzzles are stunning. Plus, with seven themes to choose from, made exclusively by illustrator Laura Watson, you can get one for all your favourite family members desires.
Upon receiving the festive puzzle, I was in awe of the beautiful round box it came in. Much like a fancy hat box, the puzzle stood out. We hadn’t even got in to even when I declared how much I loved it.
Cracking the lid open, I found myself in love with the scene inside. Three layer thick pieces were wrapped up neatly, waiting to be made into the puzzle. It was heartbreaking to shake them all up, but the excitement inside meant I couldn’t hold back.
Laying out all the pieces on the table, I got stuck in with the edges first, working my way in. With the puzzle being round, I found it to actually be a lot easier than some I have done with my nephew and neighbours children. It was easy to navigate and I could see my nephew completing this during the Christmas celebrations without any help at all.
Once I was stuck in, it didn’t take me long to complete. I stepped back in amazement when I had, as I was just so in love with the innocent beauty in front of me. Leading me to head back onto the Boppi website to see what other themes I could find. The globe one is already on my list.
Perfect as a main present or a sack/stocking filler, the puzzles are perfect at removing screens and setting up scenes. At £16.99, they are affordable too, having seen some children’s puzzles costing a lot more than this. Helping the planet, getting good quality and beautifully designed, what more could you want from a gift!
Are you a puzzle fan? Head to the Boppi website or Amazon now lovelies to discover why these might just be the perfect present for all the family this Christmas!
Joey X