Six Ways To Save On Your Supermarket Shop


Hello Lovelies,

When it comes to food shopping it can be a total money nightmare. With the cost of living going up and food prices soaring, it is hard to think of ways to make those costs go down. However, it is possible!

I follow a number of things that keep some of my money in my pocket and I wanted to share them with you all…

Avoid Aisles: Don’t need anything down a certain aisle? Then avoid it lovelies. Having become someone who now makes lists, I avoid the aisles I know I don’t need. Therefore preventing me from putting stuff in my basket that I don’t need. It helps save a lot of time and money overall.

Make A List: Speaking of lists, I now make sure to have one. On a Sunday, me and my mum, come together to make a meal plan for the week, which helps to put together a list of what we are going to need to make them. I also like to list out the foods that I might be able to try that week, such as new options I want to try and tackle with my ED. This helps me to prepare for the changes and provides my mum with the knowledge of when she may have to help calm me before meals a bit extra. 

Shop Alone (If You Can!): This can be a tricky one, especially if you have little ones. However, if you can shop alone, DO! Often we don’t see what might be being placed in the basket, yet, if you can shop alone and know exactly what and how much of each item you need than you can save big time. 

Teach The Little Ones Early: If you can’t shop alone, teach your little ones the importance of a list early and get them to outline a few pieces, such as one toy and one treat. This helps them learn about the importance of budgeting and will hopefully avoid any upsets. 

Know Your Reduce/Yellow Sticker Time: Some shops put out their reduced items in the morning. Others begin putting theirs out at around 1pm. By knowing when these yellow sticker discounts go out or progressively drop further, you can save loads. Aldi and Lidl normally put theirs out first thing, whilst Sainsburys starts at around 25% from 1pm, before dropping to 50% at 5pm and 75% at 7pm. The same is often followed by Tesco’s and Asda, so it is simply all about keeping an eye on the time. 

Look Down Not Up: When shopping, don’t go for the brands that our right in front of your eyes. These are often the ones that cost the most money. By looking down, you can often find cheaper deals that are just as good. 

These are only a few ways to save on your supermarket shop. However, with the summer holidays still in full swing and the prospects of having to think about packed lunches again on the horizon, it is a great time to start following some of them. I couldn’t live without a list now. Each week we save so much. Plus, we are never afraid to look out for discounts or yellow stickers. 

What are some of your money saving tips and tricks when it comes to supermarket shopping? 

Joey X

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