Happy Mother's Day 2023 To My Gorgeous Mother!


Good Morning Lovelies, 

Writing this post feels very special to me! The day I am creating it is International Women’s Day, so I know I am writing it super early, but it was because of this big event that I wanted or felt inspired to share my love for my amazing super mum. Or mother as I like to call her!

My gorgeous mum Jane is a woman who honestly never stops. She is the breadwinner, caregiver, best cuddle provider, ultimate nanny, fantastic friend and above all else an amazing human being. I wouldn’t believe alive without her and the care she has given me my whole life. More so than ever as she helps me fight this illness. 

Throughout the past year, since last Mother’s Day, we have been through a lot. Bad holidays, funny Christmas traditions, sad anniversaries and new friendships. We have held each other up, her helping me more than I helping her. We have made sure that we keep our house going and leaned on each other in times of need. She does all of the work that she does, including getting another job to support us more, without moaning. Even though I know sometimes she wants to stay under the duvet. 

I feel completely and utterly supported by her. When I feel down, she is the first to pick me up. When I am happy, she joins me in the joy. She makes me feel normal when I need it. She moans and groans with me. She often thinks the same or finishes my sentences. There is no pressure to be better than I am. She tries to understand as much as she can and when she can’t she asks. We are completely and utterly honest with each other when doing so. Sometimes, she is a little bit too open. Especially when it comes down to Harry Styles’, “peachy bum.”

Today, I want to thank her for everything. For all the love and support. For her hard work. Her determination. For being there when I need her. For the endless cuddles and handholding. For everything. There is no woman and there never will be one quite like my mum. Mother, if you are reading this, I love you so much and I thank you to infinity and beyond. Enjoy your day, you utter superstar! 

And a very happy Mother’s Day to you all too! 

Joey X

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