It's A Good Day To Ramble On
00:00:00Currently, I am sitting in bed with the urge to write. It is 9:10pm in the UK, on the 1st January 2023. Although, you won’t be getting this post for a while yet. More like the middle of the month. However, I just wanted to write down my thoughts.
Embarking into the new year, it felt like 2022 flashed by in a whirlwind. It was a year of many highs and many lows. Times when I felt strong. Others not so much. Yet, I was brave enough throughout to speak about what was happening. My dislike of my body and the changes it is going through. The love I have for it though when I think of how it has kept me going and alive, even when I haven’t looked after it. Family matters. Relationship woes. You name it, you have been here and read about it.
I don’t really know what brought on this urge to write tonight, but it just came to me. As I sit here dragging out the last few festive moments of New Year’s Day, sitting in Christmas pyjamas, even when we have taken down the decorations today, I just wanted to let my mind wander.
To write down the weird thoughts I have had. The things I can see. My new Bluey cuddle toy for one. Yes, I know I am 27, but you are never too old to love something that is innocent and sweet. A childhood treat. Bluey being just that, with the animation being the show I binged watched the hardest in 2022.
Maybe in fact that is the point of this post. As I sit in my room, in my childhood home, with the items I love looking at and surrounding me, I finally feel safe. And when I feel safe, I can speak my mind. I can say everything and anything. I can let the words flow. There aren’t many people I feel that way with.
Being open and honest on this blog is something that I feel comfortable doing, which I am thankful for. Sometimes I can’t say how I feel, but I can write it. An element I think we pick up in school, when we are told to write down a story. To let our minds simply flow.
More and more I want to do that on the blog. I want to ramble on like this. I want to get conversations flowing. In just ten minutes I have created this post and it is honestly one of my favourites. There isn’t a point to it. There isn’t an overall message. It is simply a post to say hello, how are you and what childhood memories does the place you are in right now spring to mind? Just look up right now and see.
Then turn to the page in front of you. On or offline. The person who you are closest to. Stranger or familiar. And simply tell them. Just scream it out. Cry. Laugh. Just speak. Your voice, rambling or not, is worth everything. Get talking lovelies.
Joey X