Blogmas Day Five: The Winter Blogger Tag 2022


Good Morning Lovelies,

And how are we all today? I have a lot to do today, starting with this exciting Blogmas post, which I really enjoyed doing. Last year, I did the Christmas tag and a lot of you enjoyed it, so I thought I would share with you my answers to the winter tag, which was a lot of fun. I hope you all enjoy it…

What are your favourite things about Winter?

I love that feeling of being all warm and cosy in your house watching something on the TV under a blanket with a cup of tea. I don’t like being cold, so it is a bit weird that I adore winter. I think it may be my favourite season of all.

What is your favourite Winter outfit?

A big woolly jumper with cosy leggings and boots. Plus, on top of that a festive or fun t-shirt and my big coat that keeps me so warm!

What is your favourite Winter food?

Oh my! I won’t lie, I really struggle when it comes to eating, due to my condition. However, I have fallen in love with soups, homemade chips and roasted vegetables. Simply great winter foods.

Favourite Winter drink?

Tea! I am trying to test myself and have lots of different kinds, however my favourite is Yorkshire Tea or Pukka’s Peppermint and Liquorice herbal tea. Although, I have tried hot chocolate again recently and warm milk. Plus, warm Ribena. All of which are cosy and sweet enough to drink at any time. Yet, winter always feels best. They all really calm me down.

What is your dream way to spend a Winter’s day?

All wrapped up warm inside my house with a good festive film, book, podcast or TV show to binge on all day, with my mum keeping me company.

What are you hoping Santa brings you?

I honestly don’t know! I can’t think of anything this year, so I am going to say a few surprises, including Ryan Gosling please aha!

What are the first three things that remind you of Winter?

Christmas, snow and big fluffy coats.

What is your favourite Winter song?

Ooo I have too many! Any Christmas song will suit me fine!

What is your favourite Winter memory?

I have many!, Yet, walking along the Southbank Christmas market and then going to see a festive show with my mum each year stands out. The year, I treated her to seeing Jersey Boys I will never ever forget.

What is your favourite Winter scent?

Gingerbread and festive spices. Everything about them  just smells of cosiness and Christmas.

Finish this sentence… If I could have one wish this Christmas it would be…

That my family and friends are happy and healthy!

I hope you all enjoyed this tag lovelies and I pass it all on to you lovelies! Don’t forget to share your answers in the comments below!

Joey X

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