Barbie, Bratz, Nintendo DS! How I Am Embracing My Inner Child Again!


Good Morning Lovelies, 

Do you remember the 90s? Maybe even the early 00s? Weren’t they the best of times! I am a 1995 baby, which makes me feel very lucky that I got to experience the best of both worlds. I was someone who had the classic McDonalds parties, with sweetie cakes galore, but also Bratz, My Scene Dolls and more. I absolutely adored everything about my childhood. Yet, there is so much I have forgotten from it. A very sad fact. 

Recently though, I have decided to start embracing it again. I want my inner child back. I want to enjoy what I used to. Things I now think I was forced to give up on too early, due to friends saying they were childish, making me feel like I had to give them up. Now, as an adult, turning 27 in a few weeks, I can now make the rules and that means Barbie is back. 

My inner child is finally embracing what I have always loved. This includes the following brands, toys and categories that I am super happy to have back, including: 

Barbie and Bratz: Barbie and Bratz are absolutely amazing to me. I used to collect the dolls, but when I got older I got rid of them all. Now, I am welcoming the queen and princesses of dolls back into my life. PJs, clothes, dolls, LEGO versions, beauty finds and more. They are back in my home and I am so grateful for it. 

Me To You Bears: For years, I was someone who also collected Me To You Bears. I had them all over my room. From cuddly toys to ceramics, I even had a signed one. That will is still around in fact. Clinton Cards was like a dream for me when we used to go. Therefore, having the little grey bears back in my life is something that makes me so happy. Although I don’t have the cuddly toys anymore, I do have PJs, keyrings and other little trinkets that make my home feel complete.

Nintendo DS: Whilst I have a Switch, I have always loved the older consoles more. Growing up, I was someone who would play on the Wii or the Nintendo DS. A fact I know is very fortunate. Both consoles are still in our home and I refuse to part with them. My DS is next to my bed and I still go looking for games for it around charity shops and online. If I find myself really anxious then I will break it out and play for hours, without getting bored. It is still the best console in my opinion.

Disney: For a long time, I felt like I had to give up Disney. I couldn’t celebrate it enough. It is now back. It is back with a force in fact. Not a Star Wars force, but a pretty close one. I have been trying to collect the Disney DVDs since I accepted it back into my life and arrange yearly trips if I can (damn you Corona!). Disney is everything to me and now always will be.

Childhood Holidays (Butlins and Clacton): Clacton was the place that made up my childhood holidays. We used to have a caravan there, spending all summer long in it. It is the place where I met my best friend and I will forever love it for that. Recently, we have been visiting it again. As well as Butlins, which was the first place that we went to after selling our caravan. I love these childhood holiday places so much and it makes me appreciate being little a lot. Even if they have changed, it shows that the memories haven’t and never will. 

Car Boots: When I was little, my parents would go all over the UK to car boots. Yet, when I reached my teenage years and my friends made out that it wasn’t cool, I stopped going. Something I will always regret. Now, I beg my mum to take me to them. I simply love delving into boxes to see what treasures I can find. Especially book wise. You can find some real bargains at them and I am so sad that I didn’t go with my parents. Especially my dad, who struggled to walk around them in his final years.

Whether you are someone who has given up their childhood finds for good or you want to remember it, then this is me giving you all the permission to embrace it all over again. Life is too short to worry about what others think and if you want to collect dolls, watch old films or find the toys and items that made you happy then do it. I couldn’t be happier for you to do so. Just make sure to invite me round if it involves LEGO. 

Joey X

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