Blogmas Day Two: Live Your Best WFH Life This December With Jasmine Douglas' Top Tips


Hey Lovelies, 

With the festive season in full swing, it can be hard to stay motivated to work from home. Especially when we can’t meet up with many people to enjoy the annual parties like we would. Thankfully, I have found someone who can help us to stay encouraged to work hard this December. All helping us get the most out of working from home and the best end of the year celebrations. 

Jasmine Douglas is the founder of Babes on Waves, an inclusive and diverse business club for women, which champions underrepresented entrepreneurs. The network strives to help bring gender and race equality to the business world and aims to empower the next generation to launch, grow and manage their own businesses.

Despite launching Babes on Waves during a difficult year Jasmine’s business has gone from strength to strength. If we can learn anything from her experience it’s that despite adversity if we think big and stay motivated, anything is possible, and you can still achieve your goals. 

Jasmine has shared her top tips on how to stay motivated whilst working from home and just remember, if she can do it, so can you! 

Get Ready For Work In The Morning

This sets you up for the day ahead and gets you into the right headspace to work. It’s hard to stay motivated if you work in your pyjamas and the novelty soon wears off. 

Set A Routine With Regular Breaks

Having a routine will prevent you from working continuously and burning out. The breaks will keep you refreshed and will help you to get more done in the long run.  

Plan Your Next Day Before You Finish Your Working Day

Take 10 minutes before you shut down your computer to create your to do list for the following day. This will allow you to start each day with a clear sense of purpose. 

Join A Co-Working Club

A co-working club allows you to meet with someone online for an hour a day, discuss your tasks and then work on mute side by side. It’s a fun way to meet people and to stay motivated as you become accountable for your to-do list. Babes on Waves runs a free virtual co-working club, find out more and join in here:

Network Virtually

Being at home doesn’t mean you have to be lonely. As well as using a co-working club, schedule regular Zoom meetings and phone calls so you can still network.

Try To Reduce The Number Of Distractions Around You

Avoid background distractions such as having the TV on whilst you work. If you listen to music try and pick a playlist that’s motivating but subtle so it doesn’t take your focus, classical music can be great for this. 

Create A Workspace

Set aside an area dedicated to your work if you can, so you can create a clear work/life distinction, rather than working from your sofa or bed. If you double up on space, try and create an office vibe in the morning for that area and put it all away at the end of the day. 

Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself

It can be difficult working from home but be kind to yourself and be flexible with your plan. If it’s not working out at that particular time, take a break and come back to it when you are refreshed. 

Get Out Of The House Every Day

Don’t underestimate the importance of exercise and fresh air. Without our commutes it can be easy to stay indoors all day but find a time to walk outside even if that’s before your working day begins or during your lunch break. 

Celebrate Your Wins

Even though you’re not in an office it’s still so important to share and celebrate any good “work wins” you have. Send your updates to your team via email or schedule a call at the end of each week to discuss everyone’s positive progress. Treat yourself when it happens even if it’s with an extra cup of tea and a biscuit! 

I will admit that I didn’t write this full blog post lovelies, but I wanted to share it with you all because the tips are fantastic. For more information on Babes on Waves visit and be inspired to have your best WFH life this Blogmas. What are some of your best tips for working from home?

Joey X

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