Discover A Delicious New Noodle Recipe with HelloFresh! Plus, Enjoy Our Exclusive Discount


Chicken Noodles

Hey Lovelies,

Food is something that most people spend a lot of time thinking about. In our house and before I got ill, I definitely did. In fact, I still think about it a lot now. But with different eyes.

Having and recovering from an eating disorder is like being a child again. You have to reintroduce flavours, textures and food combinations that you may have never experienced or forgotten all about. Something that can be hard to do, I won’t lie.

Plus, when it comes to cooking, finding a recipe that is quick and easy, but full of the nutrients my body currently needs is important. So, when HelloFresh got in touch with me about their new bunch of recipe boxes and ideas, to see if I would like to test one, I said yes.

After searching through their website at all the latest boxes they have for super meals for one, two or more people, I decided to pick one my mum would enjoy. I didn’t feel ready to enjoy a recipe just yet, but I knew my mum would be more than happy to take part in making their 10 Minute Express Chicken Noodles.

Part of their Asian range, the Chicken Noodles with Mangetout, had only eight ingredients to include and six simple steps to follow. With all the steps laid out on their website, it was a breeze to get it all set up and on the go right away.

Starting the recipe by boiling the water for the noodles, the recipe calls for the spring onions to be thinly chopped and the peanuts to be crushed first. With the noodles bubbling away, we then placed the chicken into a hot frying pan, before simply adding in the Mangetout and remaining vegetable for a few minutes.

As these cooked, I kept an eye on the pan, whilst my mum drained the noodles and poured them into vegetable mixture. We then applied the sauces to give it the flavour kick it needed. After a few extra minutes to allow it all to combine, it was ready to be placed into a bowl, where my mum topped it off with the peanuts and lime juice.

All together the recipe did literally take 10 minutes and my mum enjoyed it as a light lunch dish. Happy with the flavour and the way in which it took little time at all, she was quick to add that it would be a great dish if you didn’t want to cook a big meal after work or the school run. For her, she said it was good for when she comes back from the hospital after visiting me, due to the long commute from London.

HelloFresh has a whole host more recipes like this. Plus, with the added addition of the boxes full of the ingredients being provided for each one, you never have to leave the house or wait to enjoy it again. I loved the idea of getting a classic family-sized meal out of this and think it would be perfect for a date night at home or on big holidays such as Easter or Christmas when the supermarkets can get crazy.

Seeing my mum enjoy the dish so much made me super happy. She doesn’t normally enjoy dishes like this, because they are often complicated. However, she really loved the taste and said it saved her money on what probably would have cost more at a takeaway or restaurant. I think she also secretly loved that she made it as well.

When I can enjoy the recipes that HelloFresh has, I will definitely be making a lot of them. I loved that me and my mum made this dish together. It felt so homely and the ingredients allowed us to find something new. Noodles are the perfect dish for any day of the week too, so they can be prepared whenever you fancy them.

To find out more about the recipes HelloFresh has to offer, including lasagne, chilli and more head to their website lovelies! Plus, for a short while, you can enjoy an exclusive discount of 10% off any box you choose. Just use the following link to order:

Let me know if you find a recipe to try lovelies and don’t forget to share your pictures with me on here or on social when you make them! I love to see what you all create!

Joey X

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