Happy Day One of Blogtober Everyone! Here Is How I'm Celebrating This Month


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Hey Lovelies,

A first has arrived on the blog! Throughout the whole of October, I will be taking part in my first ever Blogtober event and I can’t wait to celebrate my favourite season of all with you. I have never done this before, so please do be gentle with me, but I thought it would be a fun thing to get us all in the mood for the upcoming autumn months.

I am a huge fan of this time of year. I love the cosy feeling it brings. The leaves on the floor. The jumpers that you can finally dig out. The hibernating under a blanket with a hot drink and a good TV show or film to snuggle up with. Hot water bottles and comfort food. Oh, and of course the addition of Halloween, Fireworks Night and Christmas. It is just the most amazing time of the year.

There isn’t a real plan for how I am going to host Blogtober or what I am going to do during the month. Yet, I hope we can have some fun and enjoy the spooks and thrills that October brings. It is a month for the unexpected after all.

I would love to know if you are hosting Blogtober too and please do share links to your pages, posts and websites in the comments or on social with me. I can’t wait to read about what we are all getting up too! Let the festivities begin!

Joey X

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