My June 2019 Blogger Monthly Favourites


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Good Morning Lovelies, 

Waking up today is a lot different to how I woke up a month ago. I was tired, hurting and ready to admit myself to hospital. June was a month of true heartache and realisation that I couldn’t go on living the way I was. Everything ached. Everything was shutting down inside me and I couldn’t see it, but I sure felt it.

On the 12th June, I took myself to my local GP after begging my therapist to help me and was told to stop exercising. Start enjoying life again. I needed to take my anorexia seriously and start to appreciate my body the way it should be. June was not a month I really want to remember, but in many ways, it saved me. I am finding it hard to gain the weight, yet I am trying to find ways to get my life back and I am doing that through self-care. The pieces featured here are just some of the things that made my June that little bit better…

Family Parties: My mum had her birthday in June, and I decided to throw her a big games-based party to celebrate. Seeing everyone together was lovely and I honestly can’t wait to enjoy seeing them all over again soon.

Elton John’s Farewell Tour: I adore Elton John and everything about him. So many of his songs speak to me and in June, me and my mum decided that right now, my theme song is I’m Still Standing. I made a vow to myself years ago to see him live and I got the chance to at Hove’s Cricket Ground on the first UK tour date of his shows. It was incredible and made just a little bit more special by the surprise appearance of Taron Egerton.

Asda Toy Story T-Shirt: Right now, I haven’t found the time to go and see Toy Story 4 – don’t hurt me – but I have been using the new film as an excuse to shop. In Asda, they had an amazing glow in the dark Aliens top that was just calling to come home with me.

Groot Plant Pot: I have kindly been sent some amazing gifts from absolutely incredible people in June and a lovely one I got was from my nephew’s mum and nanna, who brought me a Groot plant pot from shopDisney. I bloody love Groot and this little pot is now sitting pride of place on my bedside table amongst all the Yankee Candle's aha!

The Red Tree: Another gift I was given was from my old boss Ben. I used to work with him in London and honestly, he was the best boss I ever had. If I ever get asked to work with him and the team I did whilst there again, I would snatch up the opportunity. At the end of June, he kindly sent me this book and it is so sweet. Taking a trip through a tough time, it makes you see the wonders of the world.

Walking: I haven’t been allowed to exercise since my recovery began and I am finding it tough, to be honest. However, it has made me appreciate getting up and just enjoying the feeling of laying in bed. Rising, showering and just enjoying getting dressed up. Plus, the power of walking. I am going for small outings everyday and these little trips are helping my mental health during all of this. Take a little walk lovely and embrace the sunshine if you can!

What made your June extra special lovelies? 

Joey X

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