Arabella Burfitt-Dons Speaks To The Blog About Her Raindance Film Festival Hit Love Possibly!


Good Afternoon Lovelies, 

A few days ago, I interviewed the amazing Arabella Burfitt-Dons, the producer behind Raindance Film Festival’s 2018 hit film, Love Possibly, to discover what it was all about, how the film came to be and what the future holds for the creators.

Delving into the secrets from the film and what Arabella believes we should all be looking out for, the mockumentary feature about a rom-com obsessed virgin, who suffers from anxiety who is looking for love is definitely one to watch lovelies. Find out why below in our exclusive interview with the creator…

Firstly, congratulations on being chosen for the Raindance Festival! How did it feel to appear at the event?
Thank you! It’s definitely been a week to remember and a major highlight of my filmmaking career so far. The directors (Che Grant and Michael Boccalini) and I, had always hoped to have the UK premiere of ‘Love Possibly’ at Raindance. It felt like a dream come true when we were selected. It’s a real honour to be in the programme alongside such an incredible line up of films as well as an impressively high number of female filmmakers.

For those who don’t know what the film is about, please could you tell us?
A documentary crew follows Alex (Steve Hodgetts), a rom-com obsessed virgin who suffers from severe social anxiety, who is desperately trying to find love. Alex quickly finds himself out of his depth when he meets the Moldovan mail-order-bride Lana online, (Anna Danshina) whom he proposes to without ever meeting. When she makes the bold decision of moving her and her son Ivan to London to marry him, will she turn out to be the one he's been looking for or has it all been a giant mistake? ‘Love Possibly”’ is a mockumentary, an original spin on the classic rom-com. It’s a charming, hilarious and moving film that everyone can relate to.

What was it about Love Possibly that made you want to make this film?
What makes this film so special is that Che and Michael’s vision for the film was to tell the truth and we kept this the absolute priority right to the final cut. It is inspired by a combination of the cast and crew’s own experiences – their struggles in love, social anxiety, family dynamics. These are themes that are explored throughout the film and make ‘Love Possibly’ relatable to almost everyone in today’s society in one way or another, and that’s why I wanted to make this film. I think the fact that we tell this story through the genre of comedy, communicates this to the audience in a light-hearted, poignant and beautiful way.

The film is a mockumentary. Why did you decide to make it in this style? And why do you think audiences connect so well to it?
I think audiences connect so well with it largely because of the mockumentary style. Although there was a script, Che Grant and Michael Boccalini wanted most of the dialogue to be improvised and I think alongside the mockumentary style and Jaryl Lim’s clever cinematography, you get really close to the characters and there’s a certain realness to the film that really seems to resonate with everyone that watches it. We wanted it to feel very raw as if you were sat in the room with Alex and Lana - almost uncomfortable to watch at times.

Is there a scene that is special to you or that you want audiences to look out for? If so, why this one?
Personally, for me it’s the final scene – it’s been very interesting to see how audiences have reacted to this so far. We wanted it to be poignant, thought-provoking and - well I guess I can’t give any more away! I’d love to hear more people’s thoughts on their interpretation of the ending and how they felt about it.

What have you heard from audiences who have seen the film at the festival?
The response has been quite astounding. People have really related to it, they’ve found it touching, moving, hilarious, awkward – everything we’d hoped for. We’ve had quite a few people asking where they can tell their friends to go and watch it after the festival, which is great - it seems to have attracted quite the fan club! I’m very grateful, it’s always a dream response to have audiences reaching out and letting you know how much they love the film. I’ve also had people saying that it really moved them and reminded them of personal experiences – a total mixture from heartbreak, social anxiety, and falling in love. It’s very touching to hear that it’s had that effect on people, that’s why I make films!

Have you caught any films at the festival? If so, which ones and what was your favourite?
It’s been a very busy festival for me as I also co-produced the contemporary thriller ‘We The Kings’ written and directed by Lauren Mackenzie, which also world premiered at Raindance this week. I haven’t managed to find time to watch as many as I’d hoped to, but I watched the opening feature film ‘Princesita’ which is a very hard-hitting yet beautifully portrayed story told by the very talented Chilean female director Marialy Rivas. I found Sara Caballero’s performance also incredibly moving.

Finally, could you tell us about what you are working on next? 
‘Iris Warriors – The Birth Of Colour’ directed by Roydon Turner is set to release in early next year, a ballet film set in world war two starring Jessica Brown Findlay (Downton Abbey, Black Mirror, Guernsey Literary and the Potato Peel Pie Society) It’s a stunning film and an incredibly original project that is very different to anything that’s ever been done before. Jessica is an incredibly talented actress and carries the lead role beautifully, I’m really excited for the world to see it. Ballet is rarely shown in films and I wanted to be part of creating something really different and special. I’ve got some other very exciting projects in the pipeline that have to stay under wraps at the moment, but it’s going to be a very exciting time ahead so watch this space!

To find out more about the film lovelies, visit their website and look out for upcoming screenings coming your way. 

Blog Soon, 
Joey X 

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