Caltiki: The Immortal Monster DVD Review


Good Morning Lovelies,

Arrow Films have done it again lovelies by bringing us Caltiki: The Immortal Monster on Blu-ray today and I was quick to find out more about this cult classic!

Following an archaeologist who goes mad upon arriving at an enchanted cave. Haunted by the mythical enchantress, the film is a horror film that presented one of the first female villains on the bi screen to all.

Unlike the previous horror films that Arrow have brought out, you can see that this one has been made with one idea. To try and make the audience feel as though nowhere is safe. Although the film takes place in a cave, somewhere not many of us would want to go into alone, the story's villain makes it a whole lot darker.

Dark enough to cause scares that have obviously been brought into the future, with many modern horror films taking on the same themes. Think Descent and you get lots of the same ideas. It is a film that was not only key to the times but the future of horror.

There so I am giving this classic...

4 Stars

Blog Soon,

Joey X

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