
Hey Lovelies, 

After reaching the end of episode one of ‘Outlander’ I found myself watching the show more and more, as I had a hunger to see how these characters were going to be developed and the way in which their story would go. 

From the beginning I routed for Jamie, so when most of the episodes continued to focus on his and Claire’s impending relationship I was happy, due to the way in which it played out nicely, instead of the cheesy will they won’t they cliché. I wanted them to be together from the moment I started watching and the way in which the actors bring them together is incredibly satisfying, because you are able to see them grow. 

And as they grow so does the plot in which they are surrounded by. You grow to change the opinions you have on each figure as the episodes go on, and the crossover between Frank and Black Jack Randall, will make you scream in frustration, as you see his character develop and change. I was unable to get over the pair of them and grew a dislike to them as a viewer. This could be though because I was a fan of Jamie’s. 

As leading roles, both figures fit into them nicely and I hope that they get an award out of their performances, because they are able to bring period dramas with a twist a new lease of life. They both seem interested in developing the stories and they seek to give audiences all sides of their characters as you are watching. 

These eight adaptations of the book flow nicely with the plot, and I can sense that the following episodes to come will be just as thrilling, as audiences get to see the ways in which their worlds change to flow with them. 

I found them to each get more and more interesting as they went on and compared to the first episode, they have more of a continuity to them that is easier to follow. You feel as a viewer that you know what is happening and why these issues are happening, as well as the consequences which make it such an essential viewing. 

You can’t miss moments and if you do then the episode can become lost on you as a viewer, due to the way in which the episodes flow and sequences. You will find yourself in flashback moments that will make you forget where you are, before you are placed back in the Scottish landmark. As well as finding characters in places you didn’t know they were, so definitely keep watching to make sure you know what you should be focusing on. 

With new episodes now coming out every Sunday, I can tell that this is my current favourite show, due to the way in which I had a fangirl moment with my friend Issy quite opening in Frankie and Benny’s today, that lead to people looking at us. And yes it was about Jamie! 

Therefore I am giving the first eight episodes of ‘Outlander’, an epic…

5 Stars

I am currently watching the latest episode, number nine, so I will let you know what I think about it sometime this week lovelies! 

Blog Soon, 
Joey X

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