
Hello Lovelies, 

I have a wide mix of releases to share with you all today lovelies! I have a film, TV series and a live show to tell you all about, so sit back and relax, because here is the Tuesday release news!

The first piece of release news I have to share with you is about a Film that is coming out in cinemas and on DVD and Blu-ray in December! 'Montana' stars Adam Deacon, Ashley Walters and Michelle Fairley and has been directed by Mo Ali.

Following a young 14 year old boy called Montana around the mean streets of the East End of London, the film starts with him discovering that those he works for our the reason his father is dead. Around the same time a former Serbian Commando called Dimitrije seeks revenge for those who killed his wife and son. 

Both soon realise that they are looking for the same people and team together to assassinate those responsible! A long the way Montana learns about respect and friendship. 

I am unsure about the day of cinematic release but the home entertainment versions will be out on the 19th January lovelies! 

Now for the live show release which stars a dancing legend! After returning on tour this year Michael Flatley, the lord of the dance has a new DVD and Blu-ray coming out! 

'Michael Flatley's Lord Of The Dance: Dangerous Games' features all of the classic incredible moves, as well as new performers and special effects that has made it one of the bestselling shows around! 

The release is out on the 24th November!

And now for out TV series release lovelies which is the hit FX show 'The Strain'! The show became the most watched series debut in FX history and has gone on to win many awards since! 

Produced by Guillermo Del Toro, who also co-wrote the trilogy of books that the show is based on, the show stars the likes of Corey Stoll, Mia Maestro, David Bradley, Kevin Durand and Sean Astin.

Following a planes arrival at JFK Airport, which just stops dead upon landing, those on the ground are left wondering what has happened, as the plane is completely sealed and no communication with it can be made. 

After being alerted about what might be on board a doctor and his colleague decide to enter it to find out the truth. Once inside they discover 206 corpses, 4 survivors and evidence of a ultraviolet secretion! Faced with those who made it including a Harlem pawnbroker, who believes everyone on board should be destroyed and the coffin on board should not be moved, the pair are left baffled. Outside of the plane, an airport official is killed by a human-like creature, causing all of their first thoughts to be changed and now they must face something of monster proportions! 

I hadn't heard of this before lovelies, but I might have to give it a watch because I am now desperate to find out what has caused this to happen on the plane! Who else is with me? 

The show is released on the 15th December!

I really want to know what happened to that plane!!

Blog Soon, 
Joey X

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