
Hello Lovelies, 

How are you all this afternoon? Are you ready for this new film? I am editing my assessment as we speak so blogging may be a little slow, but I am going to be here all afternoon on Twitter or the blog, so do let me know if you have any questions or want to know any film news and I will help. 

Right now though, let's gather to talk about the latest film from Arrow Films, which will be in cinemas from the 16th January 2015!

'Amour Fou' was a huge hit at Cannes Film Festival this year and is the follow up to director Jessica Hausner's 2009 hit 'Lourdes'. 

Set in Berlin, during a very romantic period of 1811, young poet Heinrich wants to commit suicide through love. However when he is unable to convince his cousin to join him, he meets Henriette, the wife of a business man. After agreeing to join him on his journey, Henrich finds out that Henriette is suffering from a terminal illness. 

We are going to have to wait a long time to see this lovelies, but you can catch the trailer for it now...

The film is described as a romantic comedy, however from the sounds of the above it doesn't seem that way. I will have to investigate when it comes out in cinemas! 

Blog Soon, 
Joey X

To keep up to date with all the latest news from the blog, follow it on Twitter @LetsStartNow18 :)

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