
Hello Lovelies,

First off a massive thank you to everyone who joined us last night for the #MockingjayTweetAlong! It was a huge success and I am so thankful that you all took the time to come and join myself and I'm With Geek to blog about it! I will be doing a post later on all of the highlights and will be live tweeting the premiere link as well, so come and use the hashtag and join in with us :)

Right now though I have some huge box office news as there have been huge successes over the past couple of days! 

From Warner Bros, we have the wonderful news that one of my favourite films of this year 'Interstellar' has earned £5,377,527 on its opening weekend in the UK and Ireland! That's amazing lovelies! I would definitely suggest that you all go and see this film, because you don't know what you are missing if you don't! It will be talked about for a long time :)

The next piece of box office news I have to share with you all is from 'Mr Turner' which has become Mike Leigh's highest grossing film in the UK after only nine days in cinemas! It has taken in £2,671,313 since its release and has been nominated for a number of BIFA awards lovelies! Looks like the Cannes fever has reached our shores for this film! 

The final piece of box office news I have to share with you lovelies is from Disney who have had a huge success in America this past weekend with the release of 'Big Hero 6' which has claimed the number one spot, overtaking 'Interstellar'! Who has seen this film already? What did you think of it? 

What films do you think are going to be huge box office hits in the next coming months?

Blog Soon, 
Joey X

To keep up to date with all the latest news from the blog, follow it on Twitter @LetsStartNow18 :)

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