
Hello Lovelies, 

Sorry for the delay in blogging this morning, I have been on a trip with uni and am now only just getting the chance to blog on my lunch break. We went to see the Horst exhibition at the V&A, was very interesting especially the old issues of Vogue. 

However the best bit, which wasn't meant to be part of the trip was the Wedding Exhibition. Once I had looked round at the Horst images I decided to go and see this on my own, and I was not disappointed. I also booked to see the Alexander McQueen exhibition next year! I am being taught a lot about fashion aha.

Right now though, let me tell you all about today's latest releases! This release stars one of the funniest men alive, Mr Micky Flanagan, who has taken part in a very personal version of the 'Tour De France' with his best friend. 

The series was shown on Sky 1 and is now being released on the 24th November on DVD and Blu-ray! 

If you want to really laugh lovelies, definitely check this man and series out. I hadn't heard of it before today but I will definitely watching it!

Blog Soon, 
Joey X

To keep up to date with all the latest news from the blog, follow it on Twitter @LetsStartNow18 :)

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