
Hello Lovelies, 

I am starting to feel a little ill after my hospital appointment I went to earlier. I don't want any of you to worry about it at all, as it doesn't seem too serious at the moment, and I definitely don't want you to worry about the blog because I will be here all the time! Telling you all of the latest release news aha! 

Halloween hit 'Oculus' is out on DVD and Blu-ray from today lovelies! This film is a must watch this Halloween trust me! You all need to watch it! 

And from Arrow Films, the company have announced that they will be releasing two new Italian TV shows as part of their Noir series! 'Inspector Nardone' and 'Fog and Crimes' will be out on DVD from the 27th October! 

My dad is trying to get me to learn Italian, as it is where he is from and feels that I should know it, so I might just have to watch these and see if I can pick something up from them aha! It would shock him a lot, because so far I have only learnt the swear words.

Blog Soon, 
Joey X

To keep up to date with all the latest news from the blog, follow it on Twitter @LetsStartNow18 :)

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