
Hello Lovelies, 

I thought I would come on here and tell you a little bit of news about today and tomorrow right now. I am going to uni in about 10 minutes and will not be back until about 10pm tonight, as I am attending a screening for a very exciting film! I will definitely be blogging when I get back then but I am warning you it may be a little late. Sorry about this lovelies! 

And I am afraid that the same thing is going to happen tomorrow as I am seeing my best friend who I don't get to see very often tomorrow, because we are going to see Lee Evans, so I will not be able to blog until Saturday! But I will definitely be blogging this weekend! 

To make this up to you my lovelies I thought I would share with you all these new stills from 'Paddington', because they are so cute and I hope that his little face will make you forgive me...

Sorry again lovelies! If I can find a place to post earlier then I definitely will do lovelies! I promise! 

Blog Soon, 
Joey X

To keep up to date with all the latest news from the blog, follow it on Twitter @LetsStartNow18 :)

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