
Hey Lovelies, 

'ILO ILO' is the film that will get you thinking and appreciating those around you! Presenting a dysfunctional family and their new nanny, the adventure on screen will stay with you for a long time!

Tackling issues such as the recession, family feuds and childhood, the film has a way of presenting the troubles of young life in a very special way. You sympathise with many and the loss of childhood for the young male figure makes for an emotional viewing. It isn’t easy to see the neglect, the young boy faces from his family and for many viewers you will never be able to forget it.

The relationship between a nanny and child has been displayed before on the big screen, but in this film it is different and refreshing as you see the pair rely on each other to grow. This made it an incredible piece of footage because the child has to face the responsibilities of friendship and childhood.  As well for the nanny figure it makes her seem a little less important compared to other films which would focus on her too much, because the young boy manages to take other the screen and beat away the adults who believe they are the most important.

The most gripping part of the film was a scene towards the end highlighting the friendship between the pair. It was something that showed that adults and children are alike in a lot more ways than one, with the maid being sacked and the child being expelled. It made their life seem unacceptable in their surroundings.

Now talking about the location, it plays a huge part in the film, symbolizing the plot before it happens in an artistic and subtle way, that doesn’t make it uncomfortable for the viewer. It makes you see in the eyes of someone who doesn’t understand their full surroundings in a completely different cinematic experience.

For a film that got a 15 minute standing ovation at Cannes Film Festival, it is easy to see why they clapped for so long, as it gives a new look of the 90s and the side of life that was never revealed before. And because of this I am giving the film…

4 Stars

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