300: Rise of an Empire Teaser Posters!


Hello My Lovely's, 

I am excited to present to you the lovely images I received in my Inbox this morning. I think you will all enjoy them after my little post before about them and I hope that you can all discuss them.

The images remind me a lot of the original however they have that new edge to them that I think makes the film seem a lot darker than before!

There are two teasers I have available for you to have a look at and we will start with the first teaser image...

Can you all see now what I mean about bringing the film back to life! This is a very clever move as it automatically brings the characters back to life and draws fans in. 

And if that one doesn't do so then look at the NEW AND EXCLUSIVE teaser poster that has been released...

(I adore the graphics in this image)

Hope you enjoyed and keep your eyes peeled for one more new post coming soon!

Until Next Time...
Joey xxx

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