Yoto Is The Brand That You Need To Hear About This Christmas!


Yoto is a new brand that is not only going to improve the lives of the children in your home but also yours too! From festive treats to everyday essentials, these media players are the perfect tools to get your child to unwind with ease! In fact they are fantastic at helping adults really calm down too! Something I can confirm is true!

Good Morning Lovelies, 

A few weeks ago, whilst at The Big Christmas Press Show, I was delighted to discover the brand Yoto. Having never heard of them before, the team took me and my mum through their entire product library and the way it works with such enthusiasm that I could help but want to try them, as I got excited too! 

In both a full and mini size, the Yoto Player is a game changer when it comes to child friendly entertainment. Without the needs of a smartphone or having ads pop up throughout listening time, the Yoto Player allows kids to manage listening, learning and playing without any worries to be had. A great thing when they are exploring the world of media. 

Based around a card system, the machines use a slotted device method that enables them to pop in a story, educational lesson or music based card to learn from. They can control everything to do with it through the use of the chunky buttons or if you are helping them then you can use a handy app on your phone to play and manage content. Including free sections that don’t need cards to work.

Something that is demonstrated best at night, as both machines are great for playing sounds to help little ones, and adults if like me, get to sleep. Having been kindly sent a Mini Player and an Original Large Player to test, I uploaded all my cards to store them on the app, before sorting out the free sounds on it too for when I go to sleep. 

In recent years, I’ve really needed the sounds of heavy rain or thunder storms to help me get the best amount of rest possible. After finding three different kinds of this type of noise, I popped on the thundery rain one and was put in minutes. Plus, I also woke up better too having set an alarm to play the free Yoto Radio, which has no ads and plays only safe child-friendly music on it. 

My mum, who came to the show with me, was equally impressed with what they demonstrated to us. Working in a nursery, she told me and the Yoto team how items like these are essential pieces. Yoto Players can really help to get the children who nap to sleep but also for those that don’t to have unwinding moments. 

Especially when it comes to reading the a story. It is also fantastic that the bigger players have night lights built in to, as it means staff can use these to help children who might be scared. Having also been gifted some equipment to use, she took them to the nursery, where they absolutely loved it. She stated how much it has gone down well and parents are now asking where they can get them from. 

Right now, I’m obsessed with the Mini Player, as I love that I can move it around my home with ease. I’m planning to use it on holiday when we go, as the charger fits with my Mac one, so I can charge it with ease. Plus, it will mean that all the weird sounds outside our caravan can be replaced with noises I want to hear, with no missed sleep. 

Yoto is a brand that I am fully backing and believe would make the best Christmas present this year lovelies! Whether you get one for yourself or your little one, it will truly change your life for the better in more ways than one! 

Joey X

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