Phantom Wedding Book Review


Who doesn’t love a bit of a thriller while sitting back on a sun lounger? Just in time for those spooky months that are coming up, A.N.Porter, has made a book that will take us into those cold cosy months and beyond! Just wrap up warm because this book will definitely give you chills, even with the beaming hot sun shining on you!

Good Morning Lovelies, 

There aren’t many thriller based books on my shelf lovelies, I have to admit! However, I don’t know why there isn’t more, as I absolutely love them when I get hooked into one! Something I found myself doing with Phantom Wedding by A.N.Porter, who has made a gripping novel that will stay with you long after you finish it. 

Following a young woman called Patsy, who has recently graduated, the book sees her discovering the dark world that her flat homes and her new love. Full to the brim with twist and turns, the book will keep you guessing right up until the end. 

Even when you reach those final sentences, you don’t know whether to just go back to the start again, as you fear that you may have missed some clues within it. 

However, you don’t. It’s the phantoms in your mind, who keep you wondering what is true or not. Porter is an incredible author, who should be immensely proud of the work she has made. For a first novel, it is a strong stand out debut, tricking readers endlessly, to the point that it leaves you wanting more. Something I still hope that Porter will deliver. 

A fantastic starter in what I hope goes on to be a series, Phantom Wedding, is the book to read this spooky season! 

4 Stars

Joey X

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