My March 2024 Book Choices at Hertford Library


Good Morning Lovelies, 

With March arriving and the feeling of Spring in the air, I’ve decided to go with a few themed and lighter books for March. Even when they may seem a little dark, they will actually make you feel so much better!

All of the books will be on display at Hertford Library for you to take out, so if you like the look of them definitely pop down and grab them lovelies! It’s time to embrace these much-loved March novels…

Barbie and Ruth by Robin Gerber: With World Barbie Day being on the 9th March, this book will make you see the story behind the most famous doll in the world in a new light. From humble beginnings to her gigantic rise to fame, find out how we all came to get Barbie fever. 

Bridget Jones Baby by Helen Fielding: Last month, I picked the original story in this trilogy. Now, in honour of Mother’s Day, I have selected the very funny third book, which captures Bridget’s journey as a mum. 

The Cosy Cottage in Dublin by Julie Caplin: St Patrick’s Day fulls on the 17th March and as you all know I love Ireland. It is the country that owns my heart! When I need a little Irish fix, I always turn to this charming book to fill my heart up again. 

Black Cake by Charlene Wilkerson: I spotted this book after watching the new Disney Plus series based on it. When a family is torn apart by the death of their mother, everyone reacts differently, as they come to learn more about her that they never knew.

Girl, Goddess, Queen by Bea Fitzgerald: Love Greek mythology? This new YA novel will leave you yearning to know more about the gods! Turning everything we thought we knew about them on their heads, this new series is one of love, action and pink perfection. 

Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays The Rent by Dame Judi Dench: When a legend writes about another you just know it is going to be good. Reflecting on the Shakespearean plays that changed her career, Dench explores how much of an impact the works have had on her life in a very funny manner. 

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur: World Poetry Day takes place this month and Kaur is the perfect person to celebrate with. Each poem tells in intimate story of love, self care and humanity. Prepare to be left feeling a bit raw after finishing it.

All Good Things by Amanda Prowse: Ever wondered what your neighbours lives are really like? In this story, two women uncover what is really happening behind closed doors. Everything that they thought they knew about each other might not be so true. 

Small Miracles by Anne Booth: If you are looking for something fun to read over the Easter weekend, with a hint of religion in the theme, then this is the one for you. When a group of nuns decide to rediscover the joys of life, they find more than what they are bargaining for. 

Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt: Spring is the perfect time for a clean up, however, the cleaner in this book gets more than she expects. When a detective starts looking into the mysterious disappeared of her son twenty years ago, the cleaner uncovers more than just dust amongst the pages. 

Best Book of the Month: Fourteen Days by Margaret Atwood and Multiple Authors: Over the course of fourteen amazing authors voices, this book tells the story of the occupants within a housing complex. All dealing with the effects of COVID! It’s a heart wrenching, open novel that will have you crying, laughing and appreciating each author even more. 

What have you all been reading recently lovelies?

Joey X

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