Did I Achieve My Goals For 2023? Find Out Here!


Good Morning Lovelies, 

As we build up to the new year starting, I wondered what my goals had been for the past year. I wanted to know if I completed them. If I had made the right choices and changes regarding them. So, I decided to look back at all the posts and found what I wanted to do! 

Here is how I got on in meeting or doing the goals I aimed for in 2023…

Working With New Companies and Products On The Blog: Towards the middle of the year, I really got my mojo back to start reaching out to people again. By the end of 2023, I’ve now connected with so many new companies and discovered a whole host of products that have changed my life completely. I am so grateful to those who have allowed me to share them with you too! 

Finding New Opportunities On The Radio: 2023 brought a very uncertain time for those who I worked with a lot on the radio. This led to me not appearing on it as much. Hopefully, in 2024, I can get back on it and out there.

Become Part of A New Group and Learn New Skills: I didn’t really join anew group, but, I have met some amazing people through therapy. I also became a volunteer at my local library and that has allowed me to make new bonds, whilst also learning how a library is run. I completed further college courses and built skills in areas I didn’t even know I could. I am so grateful for all that I have experienced. 

Go On More Adventures With My Family: We didn’t really go on many adventures, yet, we had some big experiences. Heading to Blackpool, I never thought we would be having the afternoon tea experience. It was a dreamy way to spend my birthday. I also didn’t think that our trip to Bognor would end the way it did. However, all of the adventures have definitely made us stronger. 

Read and Write More - Hopefully I Will Reach 100 Books This Year: Okay, so I didn’t make the 100 mark, but I kept up with my reading. I found 2023 to be the year I fell back in love with magazines. I even discovered a joy for ones that I would never have ready before. It’s always nice to hold a closed book, after spending days reading it, falling in love with the characters and the story. 

I don’t think I did too badly aha! 2023 was an odd year that seemed to just fly by. I am proud of myself for what I have achieved and will definitely be writing out goals for next year now! You might even see them sooner than you think aha! 

How did you all get on with your goals for this year? 

Joey X

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