Blogmas Day 16: Five Ways to Handle Grief at Christmas
00:00:00I know this post isn’t the most festive, but it is important to lots of us at this time of year. The more we can help each other the better. Below are just some of the things I have found to have helped me during this hard time…
Take Time For Yourself: It may seem like a simple one, but with everyone rushing around you, family coming and going and the planning of important events, it can get hard to look after yourself. Make sure to schedule one to one time with yourself and don’t worry about it. Just do what you have to do to feel better and I am sure you will.
Go Outside: Facing people and the world can seem daunting at this time of year. Yet, going outside can help. I went for a walk on the morning of my dad’s funeral. I just had to get out of the house before anyone had even arrived. I think if I hadn’t my anorexia and anxiety would have consumed me. I was able to handle the day a lot better by taking a walk.
Reach Out To Others: Sometimes the best remedy is speaking to others. These could be members of your family, a GP or a charity who can help you deal with your loss. For me, it is my mum who has been a superstar. As have other family members and close friends. Take their help as much as you can. It truly does help in the long run.
Write Your Emotions Down: When I left hospital, I started writing a journal. Little did I know that the book might just save me. Writing down the positives from each day has helped me understand what I am feeling. How I am progressing. With this in mind, I have found it easier to talk to people and explain where I need help or what I need help with.
Finally, Enjoy Christmas and the Holidays Still: While it may not seem like the right time to be celebrating, I am going to make sure that my family have an amazing Christmas. It may seem strange to say this, but I know my dad would have wanted us to. It was his favourite time of year and to mark the occasion, I have lit our house up hugely. All so that he can see it from wherever he is. Do what feels right for you. If you feel like celebrating and decorating, do it. If not, don’t worry about it. Christmas comes around every year. Looking after you has to come first.
If you want to talk to anyone lovelies, if you are also grieving at this time of year, I am always here for you. Morning, noon or night. Just simply email or message and I will respond as soon as I can.
Love You!
Joey X