Blogmas Day 15: Two Years On and It Still Hurts Just The Same!


 Good Morning Lovelies, 

Today marks two years on from when we buried my dad. It is a day that I am never prepared for. I don't know how we have reached two years on, but here it is. I can’t get over the fact that we said our final goodbye to him on this day two years ago. I remember getting up earlier, walking to town, buying a bottle of whiskey (his favourite drink) and vowing that every year I would mark the day by getting the bottle out and leaving him to let a little bit evaporate. I don’t drink, so I will be toasting him with some juice. 

If you are like me, then I feel for you and will always be here for you to talk to. In the weird world we now live in, we have to be there for each other and so today, I wanted to make this post to highlight this. All day, every day, my emails, DMs and comments section is always available. Never be afraid to reach out to me. I will always get back to you. 

We must look after each other, not just at Christmas time, but throughout the year too.  I am always so thankful for you all and I am here for you at all times. I’m off right now to find that bottle, but if you need me, just reach out. I’ll be there! 

Joey X

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