What Do I Want To Do In December 2022?
00:00:00Good Morning Lovelies,
Last year, I wrote a post about what I wanted to achieve in December 2021. With only a few days to go until we reach the most festive month of the year, I thought I would do it again. I find it so helpful, as it allows me to put plans into place about what I want to do and how I can work on achieving them.
This year, I want a very calm, fun and easy December, filled with family, friends and festive activities. Therefore, I plan on doing the following:
- Watching Something Festive Everyday
- Experiencing A Christmas Market
- Enjoying A Full Christmas Dinner With My Family
- Giving Out Christmas Cards To My Village Again
- Gifting A Child With An Unexpected Present
- Seeing Friends and Family
- Organising A Christmas Show or Trip
- Wearing Something Festive Everyday (Even Socks!)
- Planning A Village Secret Santa Again
There is so much more I want to do in December. For now though, this is what I want to do for now and I can’t wait to get stuck in. In fact, I may just go and watch a Christmas film right now to celebrate! Who else is with me?
Joey X