Blogmas Day 11: The Christmas Blogger Tag 2019


Hey Lovelies,

Christmas is all around us, come on and let it snow! Okay, maybe not, as I know many of us have a bit of travelling to do before the big day. Yet, it is certainly the perfect time to get in the festive spirit!
As someone who starts celebrating Christmas in January, listening to festive songs in October and has a very large Christmas jumper collection, doing the annual tag is one of my favourite things. This year's one seems to be the biggest one I have ever done.

Delve into my favourite things about the holidays below lovelies, to see just how mad I am about December:

What’s Your Favourite Christmas Movie?
I adore a good Christmas film and will watch them all. Even the bad ones in fact. However, I think my favourite one has to be Home Alone, followed by Elf, The Holiday and then Love Actually. My mum is nicknamed Buddy for how she gets on escalators, so I have a lot of love for it, but Home Alone just has a really special place in my heart.

Have You Ever Had A White Christmas?
Yes, I think we did once when I was little. I am not sure if it settled, but I remember snow falling and being in my Barbie Christmas tights, which got covered in mud, as the snow made everything watery. I remember I still demanded to wear them.

Where Do You Usually Spend Your Holiday?
Christmas Day is always spent at home with my mum, dad and brother’s family. They either come in the morning or evening, so my mum plans what is happening around them a lot of the time. If my other brother comes down, it is normally over a weekend before the big day, so we have technically two Christmas Day's.

What Is Your Favourite Christmas Song?
Oh, I love so many! Probably Step into Christmas by Elton John, Last Christmas by Wham and All I Want for Christmas by Mariah Carey are my favourites. Although, I do love a bit of Shaky Stevens.

Do You Open Any Presents on Christmas Eve?
No, but I do get a Christmas Eve box off my mum. Normally this has pyjamas, a festive film, LEGO and a few other little treats we must wear or enjoy on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. She now gets one from me too. You are never too old for a Christmas Eve box in my eyes.

Can You Name All of Santa’s Reindeer?
Nope! I can name a few, but I think even that might be a fail. Prancer, Vixen, Rudolph, Dasher...that’s it. Sorry lovelies!

What Holiday Traditions Are You Looking Forward to This Year?
I am really hoping to just be home this year for Christmas, as I am due to go into hospital next week. If I am, I want to wake up and smell the turkey, open the presents around the tree, before diving on the sofa for all the TV specials. Especially the Gavin & Stacey one.

Is Your Christmas Tree Real or Fake?
Fake. I’ve never had a real one. I do think about getting a real one every year but never do, as we always worry about the mess and how long it would last in our house.

What Is Your All-Time Favourite Holiday Treat/Food/Sweet?
Mince Pies! Although I haven't had one in years, due to my eating disorder, I am hoping that this time next year I will be able to delve into them. I am a big fan and it makes me so sad that I don't eat them like I used to. I also love a chocolate tin full of miniature treats and fresh gingerbread! Fingers crossed next year I will be enjoying them again!

Be Honest, Do You Like Giving or Receiving Gifts Better?
Giving! I think I have got this from my mum. She likes to give presents more than receive and surprises us all the time with little treats we don't know about. I struggle with knowing what I want and so I definitely prefer planning, wrapping and giving to others.

What Is the Best Christmas Present You Ever Received?
Probably when I got my Barbie dream house when I was little. As an adult, I think when I got my Alexa was a very good year, as I use it all the time.

What Would Be Your Dream Place to Visit for The Holiday Season?
Christmas in Disneyland is amazing, and I dream of it every year, although I think going to Lapland would be the dream. All snuggled up in a wooden cabin with a log fire and my family around me. Perfect!

Are You A Pro Present Wrapper or Do You Fail Miserably?
It all depends on the kind of present. Flat and in a box, I am a pro. If it is a weird shape, you are going to see a very badly wrapped gift. Most of the time though, I try to get it to look as pretty as I can.

Most Memorable Christmas Moment?
Probably staying up really late on Christmas Eve when I was little, watching a Christmas carol concert, before being sent to bed. I made it my mission to not go to sleep and I tried to stay up as long as possible. When I woke up, the whole of our living room was covered, the smell of the turkey cooking was all over our house and everyone was so happy. I will never forget it.

What Made You Realise the Truth About Santa?
My brother when I was four! He just told me and apparently, my mum and uncle went mad at him for doing so. I learnt about it from a young age, so I made a vow to ruin lots of things for him aha!
What Makes the Holidays Special for You?
Being able to snuggle up in the cosiness of my home with my family. I love to spend Christmas Eve baking with my mum, seeing festive shows and delving into the big day and new year. The whole of December just brings me a lot of joy.

I loved taking part in this and I nominate all of you lovelies to do it too. You can never be too festive, and this brought back a lot of Christmas memories! Don't forget to share links in the comments below if you do take part lovelies!

Joey X

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