Experience A Taste Sensation With Robert Andrew’s Sourdough Breads


Bread is an essential part of life and rightly so! However, as we head into the new year, some of us will be looking for healthier alternatives. You don’t have to though, with great tasting options available from Robert Andrew’s, which means you don’t have to leave bread behind! Creating tasty delights for all, find out what I thought here about them here!

Good Morning Lovelies, 

For a long time, I was very scared to eat bread, however after a lot of work, I find myself loving it again! Especially with a good amount of honey or jam! Bread is definitely not a food to fear and with so many options out there everyone can enjoy it. Even those looking for some with a lower carbohydrates source. 

Not just to lose weight, lowing carbohydrates can be key for certain health situations, such as diabetes, which I learnt through my dad. Whilst he was unable to find a brand like the one I am going to talk to you about today. Yet, I know if he had that he would have loved it. 

A few weeks ago, I spoke to the fantastic team at Robert Andrew, who make beautifully crafted sourdough bread bloomers and sourdough wholegrain rolls, with 41% less carbs, 60% less sugars, 63% more protein and 79% more fibre than the average white loaf. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a normal white loaf, but this sounded absolutely epic when I was first told about it. And boy did it taste it too! 

Using whole grains, fresh ingredients, seeds and expert baking knowledge, the company ferment the bread for over 30 hours, to get that expert sourdough base that has the perfect bounce for a sandwich and an expert crunch when toasted. I decided to give the Sourdough Low Carb Wholegrain Half Bloomer (£4.29) a go first, making my mum her favourite Marmite on toast with it. Popping it in the toaster, it took only a few minutes to bake to perfection. 

Spreading the butter on top, it oozed into the holes in the bread like a thing of beauty, before accepting the thick Marmite even more wonderfully. Handing her the loaf, she absolutely adored the bread from the first bite. Normally, my mum struggles with indigestion after eating normal sourdough, she didn’t with this though. 

The bread was less heavy than normal and the bounce off it showed this upon unboxing. My mum loved the taste so much that she enjoyed it for days after in many different forms. Something she can’t normally do! Therefore, when I told her there was more to try she was very happy about it. 

Included in the box was the biggest, freshest looking Low Carb Sourdough Brown Rolls (£3.99), which featured all the same qualities as the bloomer, yet it used rye sourdough and oat fibre to give the most satisfactory look and taste to it. We saved these rolls for when my mum would be on the go or at home to have bacon rolls with. 

Deciding to leave them as they are, we cooked up a whole load of bacon on a cold Sunday morning to pop in them. Buttered, squirted with ketchup and loaded up, my mum found the same taste experience in these as she did with the bloomer. However, she stated that these were more springy, making them feel lighter to digest. 

Agreeing with me that these would have been perfect for my dad, Robert Andrew is a brand that we would happily embrace in our home. Whilst they do have a high price point, they taste luxurious and worth the special feeling they bring. Plus, with them being able to aid digestive issues, then it is worth every penny to be medically well. 

To find out more about the brand or to buy them items lovelies, head to their website, which includes all the information you need! However, I will warn you that it won’t help you decide on the correct name for a bread roll in the UK! 

Joey X

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