Did I Meet My 2024 Goals? Find Out Here!
00:00:002024 was a year that felt like it came and went in the blink of an eye! Honestly, I can’t believe that we are already midway through January 2025, however, I have high hopes for this year! I don’t like to set resolutions, yet, at the start of 2024, I set some goals! Find out if I achieved them right here!
Good Morning Lovelies,
At the start of 2024, I set myself some goals that I really wanted to achieve! However, in July, my life was completely turned upside down due to ill health and lots of hospital admissions. However, as we enter a new year and hopefully a new chapter in my life, I bought it would be fun to reflect on them still to see if I achieved any of my goals.
Made in the December, prior to the new year starting, I decided I wanted to do the following in 2024…
- I want to try and have breakfast out at least once every two months with my mum.
- To be more kind and caring towards my mental health and say no if I need to.
- I want to see more of my friends, whilst making new ones too.
- To work with more people on the radio or to start writing for a magazine/online publication again.
- To go on an adventure on my birthday and do something we have never done before.
And I have to say that I managed to achieve at least three of them over the past year! Whilst I didn’t manage to have a breakfast out, as my health and ED truly led me down a scary path eating wise, or go on an adventure on my birthday due to the same thing, I did get to explore more self love and care.
Around August time, I suffered such bad health and anxiety that I completely burned out. I couldn’t even walk, as the anxiety and my health would lead me down a bad path that left me bed ridden. This made me think about how I couldn’t even walk get better.
Thinking on my mental health, I decided to be gentler to myself and think about me. I made a rule to reach out to my friends more. I changed my sleeping pattern, as surviving on just three to four hours a night was not good for me. Now, I go up and sleep until 8:30am, giving my body plenty of rest.
I wrote a lot more and worked with so many incredible people. I created essays about anorexia and the failing healthcare system. I completed a few small pieces and tried to get my freelancing picked up more. I continued and loved working with Vibe Radio and truly got a voice back in the industry.
Whilst I didn’t manage to complete all my goals, I am truly proud of how far I have come. Even though my ED hates the shift, I took my health into my hands and really stood up for myself, especially when it came to working with doctors and professionals. It showed me that I am powerful and I have a voice that should shout out. Something I will be taking into 2025 with me!
Joey X