Go Back In Time With This Old School Bread & Butter Pudding Recipe!


Recently, I have found that we are wasting a bit too much bread and it annoys me to no end! Thinking about what we could do with our leftovers, I was reminded of an old school pudding that I used to love when I was younger! The fantastic classic that is bread and butter pudding! Get ready to tuck in with this recipe!

Good Morning Lovelies, 

When you think of the puddings of your childhood, what comes to mind? It is jam roll poly? Chocolate concrete with pink custard? Jelly and ice cream? Each of them are worth their weight in gold. However, there is one pudding that has really stood the tested test of time. A good old fashioned bread and butter pudding! 

Often had on a Sunday, after our roast dinners, we would cut a piece, pop it in a bowl and smother it in custard. Honestly, it was pure bliss. Yet, it seems like the pudding is dying out, as I haven’t seen it in restaurants, pubs or even bakeries in years. 

To hopefully bring it back into our lives, I have a super easy recipe for you all for this classic, which only uses a few simple kitchen essentials to make it. Grab your mixing bowl, as it’s time to get baking…


Six Slices of Stale Bread

50g of Soft Butter

500ml of Milk

100g of Sugar

100g of Raisins


Ovenproof Dish




Mixing Spoon


Start by preheating your oven to 180°C or 350°F, before buttering an ovenproof dish. Pop this to one side. 

Grabbing your bread, butter each slice on one side and cut into triangles. Place one layer of the triangles, butter side up, into the dish. 

Once the bread is in the dish, sprinkle half the sugar and half the raisins over the top of the first layer. Then add another layer of triangles and add the remaining sugar and raisins. 

Taking a small saucepan, heat the milk on the hob until it is warm. Don’t let it boil though. When hot enough, pour onto the bread layers, making sure they are well soaked. 

Leave to sit for ten minutes to allow the bread to absorb some of the milk, before popping into the oven for 30 to 40 minutes or until golden on top. 

When ready, enjoy warm on its own or with either cream or custard. You can also enjoy this cold, which I think is perfect with a cup of tea!

What are you lovelies baking today or this week? Let me know! 

Joey X

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