Blogmas Day 19: Christmas Day Plans Confirmed!
00:30:00Good Morning Lovelies,
As promised, today, I am going to tell you all about how I am definitely spending Christmas Day! I know I wrote how I normally spend it earlier in the month, however, that wasn’t entirely confirmed. Now, with only a few days to go, I can confirm my families plan of action.
Years gone by have seen our house get a lot quieter. We may see a few family members, however, the day is normally spent with just my mum. Getting up early and snuggling up for an hour or so, giving out gifts and getting dressed up for dinner, which we cook around 2pm and then watching TV is the norm.
But this year, things are changing! With only me and my mum here to celebrate we have decided to have a festive duvet day. I’m talking breakfast in bed, a shower and Christmas PJ refresh, before binging on Christmas films and TV all day. All whilst under the duvet.
We may sneak out for an early festive walk and we will definitely not be having Christmas dinner in bed. Yet, everything else will be spent together, cosied up, in my mum’s bed. No doors will be answered. The phone will be taken off the hook. We are officially going to be hibernating. And neither of us has any regrets about it.
I love this idea so much. Resting is really hard for me, due to my mental health, but I try my hardest to relax and enjoy the celebrations as much as possible. Having this plan in place allows me to prepare for what to expect. Something that definitely makes it easier. Plus, with the added addition of Christmas PJs to wear, I’m super excited for it. It may seem a little odd, but my Christmas Day is perfect for me!
How will you lovelies all be spending Christmas Day? Will you be having a big party? Or is it a duvet day for you too? Let me know!
Joey X