How The Samaritans Saved My Day!
00:00:00Last month, I had a bit of a scary situation occur. I felt vulnerable, alone, sad, scared and overwhelmed. The event occurred in the morning and I didn’t know who I could speak to, due to my mum also being involved.
Deciding to leave our house to get some fresh air to clear my head. My mum stayed behind, even though she didn’t want to leave me, to allow me to have some space. Yet, as soon as I walked out the door I couldn’t stop the tears.
I felt so alone. I didn’t know who I could ring and talk to, who wasn’t my mum. A lot of my friends were at work or are currently travelling. It made me realise that I didn’t have someone there to help at different times. I completely understood their circumstances though.
Whilst walking down the road, I thought back to a group my councillor had told me about. The Samaritans. Based in the UK, the charity is available to talk to 24/7, 365 days of the year. I had never spoken to them before but in that moment they helped me so much.
Upon calling, I was on hold for around two minutes maximum. When I was put through, an incredible Scottish woman started speaking to me and allowed me to cry, explain and get out all that I needed to. She supported me every single step of the way. She gave me guidance and help. She told me that she could hear the strength in both myself and my mum. She was simply brilliant.
Speaking to each other for around 25 minutes, she refused to let me hang up until she knew I was okay. She told me to ring back at anytime about anything. She helped me put a better spin on the day.
Overall, the 30 minutes I spent talking to her helped me so much. I rang my mum afterwards, cried again and then looked to the sky and embraced the sunshine that day. Whilst I wasn’t healed and am still shaken up by the events that occurred, I feel reassured knowing now how brilliant the Samaritans are.
If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need someone to talk to than I can’t recommend them enough. I would definitely ring them again. Those 30 minutes helped me see a brighter day and calmed my anxiety and ED down a lot. Never be afraid to reach out for help lovelies! It could be just what you need to see a brighter future.
Thank you to the Samaritans for being utterly fantastic!
Joey X